Rank |
Name |
Score |
Finish Time |
Q1 (3) |
Q2 (4) |
Q3 (5) |
Q4 (6) |
299 / 11282 |
YoungForest |
18 |
1:16:19 |
0:05:09 |
0:18:06 |
0:29:04 |
1:11:19 1 |
1736. Latest Time by Replacing Hidden Digits
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| class Solution { public: string maximumTime(string time) { if (time[4] == '?') { time[4] = '9'; } if (time[3] == '?') { time[3] = '5'; } if (time[1] == '?') { if (time[0] == '?') { time[0] = '2'; time[1] = '3'; } else if (time[0] == '2') { time[1] = '3'; } else { time[1] = '9'; } } else { if (time[0] == '?') { if (time[1] < '4') { time[0] = '2'; } else { time[0] = '1'; } } } return time; } };
时间复杂度: O(1),
空间复杂度: O(1).
1737. Change Minimum Characters to Satisfy One of Three Conditions
1,2: 枚举分割点,变换超过分割点的不合适字符。
3: 找到众数即可。
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| class Solution { public: int minCharacters(string a, string b) { int ans = a.size() + b.size(); auto calculatePresum = [&](const string& x) -> vector<int> { vector<int> ans(26, 0); for (char c : x) { ++ans[c - 'a']; } for (int i = 1; i < 26; ++i) { ans[i] += ans[i - 1]; } return ans; }; auto op12 = [&](const string& a, const string& b) -> void { auto presumA = calculatePresum(a); auto presumB = calculatePresum(b); for (int splitPoint = 1; splitPoint < 26; ++splitPoint) { int need = 0; need += a.size() - presumA[splitPoint - 1]; need += presumB[splitPoint - 1]; ans = min(ans, need); } }; op12(a, b); op12(b, a); { unordered_map<char, int> cnt; for (char c : a) { ++cnt[c]; } for (char c : b) { ++cnt[c]; } int maxCnt = 0; for (auto p : cnt) { maxCnt = max(maxCnt, p.second); } ans = min(ans, static_cast<int>(a.size() + b.size()) - maxCnt); } return ans; } };
时间复杂度: O(n + 26),
空间复杂度: O(26).
1738. Find Kth Largest XOR Coordinate Value
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| class Solution { public: int kthLargestValue(vector<vector<int>>& matrix, int k) { const int m = matrix.size(); const int n = matrix[0].size(); auto rows = matrix; auto cols = matrix; vector<int> nums; nums.reserve(m * n); nums.push_back(matrix[0][0]); for (int i = 1; i < m; ++i) { cols[i][0] = cols[i-1][0] ^ matrix[i][0]; matrix[i][0] ^= matrix[i-1][0]; nums.push_back(matrix[i][0]); } for (int j = 1; j < n; ++j) { rows[0][j] = rows[0][j-1] ^ matrix[0][j]; matrix[0][j] ^= matrix[0][j-1]; nums.push_back(matrix[0][j]); } for (int i = 1; i < m; ++i) { for (int j = 1; j < n; ++j) { rows[i][j] = rows[i][j-1] ^ matrix[i][j]; cols[i][j] = cols[i-1][j] ^ matrix[i][j]; matrix[i][j] ^= matrix[i-1][j-1] ^ rows[i][j-1] ^ cols[i-1][j]; nums.push_back(matrix[i][j]); } } sort(nums.begin(), nums.end(), greater<int>()); return nums[k-1]; } };
时间复杂度: O(m * n),
空间复杂度: O(1), 不需要rows
, cols
1739. Building Boxes
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| class Solution { using ll = long long; public: int minimumBoxes(int n) { const ll MAX = n + 1; auto binary = [&](ll lo, ll hi, function<bool(const ll)> predicate) -> int { while (lo < hi) { ll mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2; if (predicate(mid)) { hi = mid; } else { lo = mid + 1; } } return lo; }; function<ll(const ll)> maxBoxesCouldHoldByLastLevel = [&](const ll x) -> ll { if (x <= 0) return 0; ll k = binary(0, MAX, [&](const ll k) -> bool { return k * (k + 1) / 2 > x; }) - 1; const ll y = x - (k * (k + 1) / 2); const ll couldNotPut = y + (k) - (y == 0 ? y : (y - 1)); const ll nextLevel = x - couldNotPut; return x + maxBoxesCouldHoldByLastLevel(nextLevel); }; return binary(0, MAX, [&](const ll x) -> bool { return maxBoxesCouldHoldByLastLevel(x) >= n; }); } };
时间复杂度: O(log n * log n * sqrt n), sqrt n 为 maxBoxesCouldHoldByLastLevel
空间复杂度: O(sqrt n).