Rank |
Name |
Score |
Finish Time |
Q1 (3) |
Q2 (4) |
Q3 (6) |
Q4 (6) |
74 / 12832 |
YoungForest |
19 |
1:06:48 |
0:02:44 |
0:07:11 |
0:37:44 |
1:01:48 🐞1 |
1929. Concatenation of Array
签到题。Straight forward。Python竟然可以一行return nums + nums
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| class Solution { public: vector<int> getConcatenation(vector<int>& nums) { const int n = nums.size(); vector<int> ans(2 * n); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { ans[i] = ans[i+n] = nums[i]; } return ans; } };
时间复杂度: O(n),
空间复杂度: O(n).
1930. Unique Length-3 Palindromic Subsequences
因为回文串的长度比较短,只有3. 因此,最多有26*26种回文串。可以用中间和两侧的字符表示这个回文串。
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| class Solution { public: int countPalindromicSubsequence(string s) { vector<vector<bool>> seen(26, vector<bool>(26, false)); int ans = 0; vector<int> cntRight(26, 0); for (char c : s) { ++cntRight[c - 'a']; } vector<int> cntLeft(26, 0); for (char c : s) { --cntRight[c - 'a']; for (char i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; ++i) { if (cntRight[i - 'a'] > 0 && cntLeft[i - 'a'] > 0) { if (!seen[c - 'a'][i - 'a']) { ++ans; seen[c - 'a'][i - 'a'] = true; } } } ++cntLeft[c - 'a']; } return ans; } };
时间复杂度: O(26*s.length),
空间复杂度: O(26 * 26).
1931. Painting a Grid With Three Different Colors
算是1411. Number of Ways to Paint N × 3 Grid的升级版。
行数从3变成了1-5,但思想不变,仍然是 3进制的bit_mask + dp。
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| class Solution { const int MOD = 1e9 + 7; public: int colorTheGrid(int m, int n) { int pow3m = 1; for (int x = 0; x < m; ++x) { pow3m *= 3; } auto ok = [&](int i, int j) -> bool { for (int x = 0; x < m; ++x) { if ((i % 3) == (j % 3)) return false; i /= 3; j /= 3; } return true; }; auto isLegal = [&](int i) -> bool { int last = -1; for (int x = 0; x < m; ++x) { if (i % 3 == last) return false; last = i % 3; i /= 3; } return true; }; vector<vector<int>> match(pow3m); vector<bool> legal(pow3m); for (int i = 0; i < (pow3m); ++i) { legal[i] = isLegal(i); } for (int i = 0; i < (pow3m); ++i) { if (!legal[i]) continue; for (int j = 0; j < (pow3m); ++j) { if (!legal[j]) continue; if (ok(i, j)) { match[i].push_back(j); } } } vector<vector<int>> dp(pow3m, vector<int> (n, 0)); for (int mask = 0; mask < (pow3m); ++mask) { if (legal[mask]) dp[mask][0] = 1; } for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) { for (int mask = 0; mask < (pow3m); ++mask) { if (!legal[mask]) continue; for (int left : match[mask]) { dp[mask][i] = (dp[mask][i] + dp[left][i-1]) % MOD; } } } int ans = 0; for (int mask = 0; mask < (pow3m); ++mask) { if (legal[mask]) ans = (ans + dp[mask][n-1]) % MOD; } return ans % MOD; } };
时间复杂度: O(3m2 + n*3^m),
空间复杂度: O(n * 3^m).
1932. Merge BSTs to Create Single BST
算法不难,但是实现起来比较复杂,corner case也容易fail。
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class Solution { tuple<bool, int, int> solve(TreeNode* root) { if (!root) return {true, 0, 0}; tuple<bool, int, int> ret = {true, root->val, root->val}; if (root->left) { auto l = solve(root->left); get<0>(ret) = get<0>(ret) && get<0>(l) && root->val > get<1>(l); get<2>(ret) = min(get<2>(ret), get<2>(l)); } if (root->right) { auto r = solve(root->right); get<0>(ret) = get<0>(ret) && get<0>(r) && root->val < get<2>(r); get<1>(ret) = max(get<1>(ret), get<1>(r)); } return ret; } bool isValidBST(TreeNode* root) { return get<0>(solve(root)); } int count(TreeNode* root) { if (!root) return 0; return count(root->left) + count(root->right) + 1; } public: TreeNode* canMerge(vector<TreeNode*>& trees) { const int n = trees.size(); unordered_map<TreeNode*, TreeNode*> leaves; unordered_map<int, TreeNode*> value2leaf; vector<TreeNode*> equalLeaves; bool bad = false; unordered_set<int> seen; function<void(TreeNode*, TreeNode*)> dfs = [&](TreeNode* root, TreeNode* parent) -> void { seen.insert(root->val); if (parent) { if (value2leaf.find(root->val) != value2leaf.end()) { bad = true; return; } leaves[root] = parent; value2leaf[root->val] = root; } if (root->left) { dfs(root->left, root); } if (root->right) { dfs(root->right, root); } }; for (auto root : trees) { dfs(root, nullptr); if (bad) return nullptr; } TreeNode* ans = nullptr; for (auto root : trees) { auto it = value2leaf.find(root->val); if (it == value2leaf.end()) { if (ans != nullptr) return nullptr; ans = root; } else { auto leaf = it->second; auto parent = leaves[leaf]; if (parent->left && parent->left->val == root->val) { parent->left = root; } else if (parent->right && parent->right->val == root->val) { parent->right = root; } } } if (ans) { if (!isValidBST(ans)) return nullptr; if (count(ans) != seen.size()) return nullptr; } return ans; } };
时间复杂度: O(trees.length),
空间复杂度: O(trees.length).